The Sacrament of Baptism
Baptism is not water only, but it is water used together with God’s word and by God’s command. In Baptism God forgives sin, delivers from death and the devil, and gives everlasting salvation to all who believe what God has promised. Water by itself is only water, but with the Word of God it is life-giving water which by grace gives the new birth through the Holy Spirit. At Our Savior’s our preparation for Holy Baptism is also the first of the Faith Stepping Stones. Here we talk about the spiritual dimensions of raising a child in faith and in the Family of God. Although this class is offered a number of times per year, parents are invited to participate during the pregnancy or any time after baby is born. To register for a Baptism class for yourself, your son or daughter, click the Baptism Form button below.
If you are looking to be a part of a congregation, we invite you to take a close look at Our Savior’s. There is something for everyone here at OSLC. We offer New Member Orientation four times per year for those who have already made a decision to join, but also for persons who would like to learn more about us. In these classes we explore our Lutheran faith, learn about Our Savior’s ministries and programs, and meet other people who are considering membership. Call the church office if you are interested in membership.

We know you’re unique; God made you with a one-of-a-kind skill set!
Now how do you want to use those skills to serve others and the church?
We’ll help you sort it out and offer some suggestions on where you might fit best.
We want those who serve at OSLC to enjoy what they do. We encourage and welcome you to try out any of the various options below to help you hone in on doing what you love.
Volunteer Positions at the church:
Ushers & Greeters
Communion Servers
Sound Operator
Video Director
Sunday School Teachers
Confirmation Leaders
Sanctuary Clean up
Nursery Child Care
Grounds & Building
Sign-up forms are in the Narthex at Church and are sent out via email quarterly.
Thank you for considering serving with OSLC! Please reach out to the office with any questions regarding the volunteer positions.

Our Savior's
Lutheran Church
9185 Lexington Ave. NE.
Circle Pines, MN 55014
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